Lisa Gorretta (2022)
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While perhaps best known as the previous USDF President, there are very few areas of the dressage industry that Lisa Gorretta hasn’t influenced. An accomplished adult-amateur FEI-level rider and competitor, Lisa is not best known for her skills in the saddle. Rather, she is liked and respected by virtually everyone in the sport as a tireless worker, pragmatic thinker, and levelheaded solution-seeker who has been helping the USDF to find its way forward since at least the 1990s. Lisa has served in a variety of leadership roles for USDF, including President (2019-2021), Vice President (2013-2018), US Dressage Finals Organizing Committee Chair (2013-present), USDF Activities Council At-Large Director (2012-2014), USDF Region 2 Director (1995-2000), and many others. For her many contributions, she was honored with the USDF Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022.